Christ called us to be disciples who make disciples. Our discipleship groups are groups of three to four people that meet weekly to challenge and grow each other. This is where the real work is done.
In DNA all members learn basics of bible reading and study, basic doctrines, and most especially how to "gospel their own heart." We are learning how to counsel ourselves, to live by repentance and faith, how to apply the gospel to every area of life. Too often Christians believe they were done repenting at conversion and have "moved on" from the gospel. It is something we live and breathe every single day.
In DOXA, we go on to practice those principles we learned in DNA while devoting our study time to other topics or bible books.
As part of our ongoing education efforts to train churchmen, we have a rotating series of classes that are offered during the Sunday School hour on Sunday mornings.
We also offer counseling with the elders and other trained members of the congregation and are affiliated with other trusted local counselors through ACBC.