
Christian community is absolutely vital to Christian perseverance. Our home groups are a weekly reminder that we are not in this fight alone. God has given us the gift of gospel community. We are moving forward in our sanctification together, with the help of our brothers and sisters in Christ we are all learning to know, love, and obey Jesus as Lord over all. 

Our home groups are where we encourage one another to “hold fast the confession of our faith without wavering and where we “stir up one another to love and good works” (Hebrews 10:23-24 Paraphrased). Home groups are the place where the Word of God preached becomes the Word of God applied. This is where the rich meal of the Word of God preached on Sunday is savored, digested, and turned into fuel for the race set before us. Through weekly meals, fellowship, scripture application, accountability, mission, service, and prayer we work together to apply the gospel to every facet of our lives.