The Gospel of Matthew

The Gospel of Matthew presents a vivid portrayal of Jesus as the promised King, the Messiah who fulfills the Old Testament prophecies. Throughout the text, Matthew emphasizes Christ's royal lineage and divine authority, depicting Him as the ultimate king who brings the kingdom of heaven to earth. His teachings, miracles, and passion serve as a testament to His kingship, establishing a kingdom not defined by earthly power but by righteousness, justice, and love-defeating sin and death for all time.

Our Vision:

We exist to glorify God by treasuring Christ, loving his church, and giving witness to his gospel.

Our Mission:

Helping people know, love, and obey Jesus as Lord over all.

Our Distinctives

Our Distinctives are something we found to be helpful in communicating what really makes us "distinct" from other churches. It's not that other churches do not believe these same things, but these are the items we have found as a body and leadership that we major in. If you really want to know what to expect from a church and community like ours, this is what to look for. 

Check out the summaries below, or for a fuller treatment, read the long-form.

  • We believe that the Christian faith is founded upon the objective and declarative realities of Jesus and his work, as described in Holy Scripture, and that those realities are to be confessed and believed as the only normative rule for the Christian.  When we say declarative we mean that they are finished.  When we say objective, we mean it is factual and not influenced by feelings, personal opinions, life experiences, and certainly not by the pagan culture surrounding the church.  When we say historical, we mean a reformed understanding of the scriptures whereby the glory of God displayed through his sovereign rule over everything without exception is embraced and celebrated. We recognize that we are not innovators but stand on the shoulders of the church historic, through tradition as is cogent with the scriptures, and in faith with those we are united together with in Christ. We are striving to be your grandma’s church, maybe not your grandma’s, but grandma’s church none the less. We are but one local expression, a microcosm, of the Church of Jesus Christ, the bride he has been preparing for himself.

  • As the divinely inspired Word of God, we believe that the Scriptures are without any error and are in absolute authority over every human being whether they realize it or not. We therefore submit to it as the final authority in all matters. We also believe that the Lord has prepared works for us to walk in as Christians in order to bring glory to the Father, meaning everything we say, do and think is a part of the works he has created for us to walk in. As such, we also believe that the Scriptures alone are sufficient to instruct us in every good work that he has called us to. We are in need of no other revelation, especially your enneagram number.

  • While it's essential to set the minimal doctrinal standards that align with the universal Christian Church, our goal goes beyond just meeting these standards. We aim to delve into the scriptures with reverence and diligent study, embracing every truth we uncover. Our objective is to align all aspects of our lives with the teachings of the Bible, through faith and grace. This means we use the scriptures as a guide not just in preaching, teaching, and counseling, but also in our day-to-day lives. At our church, you can expect to learn how to apply the teachings of Christ's Word in every facet of your life—be it emotional, mental, spiritual, social, political, relational, or physical.

  • We believe that God created men and women in the image of God and therefore absolutely equal in dignity, worth, and value. We also believe that men and women are divinely designed to be different and thus to occupy different—yet complementary—roles within the Church and the home, specifically in the areas of teaching and authority. Because of this, only men may serve as Elders at Christ the Lord. We affirm a Christlike father-rule within the home, often referred to as biblical patriarchy. And we affirm the reality that men and women are distinct in more ways than simple biology and role designations. For example: Men were created to be strong and conquer in the mission to subdue the earth as where women were created to be gentle and nurturing, bringing life and community in the mission to subdue the earth (Gen 1-3)